He's a short excerpt from the Richmond Times -Dispatch's review of Ashes to Water:
"Annie Bartlett grew up on a lake near DeLeon (read DeLand), Fla. When she was 9, her mother committed suicide by drowning in the lake. Neither Annie nor older

"But that's before she learns that the main suspect is her father's girlfriend, Della Shiftlet, who claims innocence and asks Annie for help. And before Leigh -- beautiful, addicted Leigh -- blows into town. And before Annie runs into old boyfriend Pete Duncan, Della's court-appointed lawyer."
Read the rest of the review here.
Anne, our bookseller who read the book (but had a standing trip to the Shakespeare festival on this date so she can't attend) told me that "Ziegler's off to a very promising start. The story was good, the characters were interesting. It was a very good read, well above the summer beach-read-level. I want to read her again, just to see where she's going..."
Here's the rest of the tour, as currently booked:
July 13, in Richmond, VA
Fountain Bookstore, Inc.
1312 E. Cary Street.
(804) 788-1594
July 21, in Richmond, VA
Page Bond Gallery
1625 West Main Street
July 30, in Seattle, WA
Seattle Mystery Bookshop
117 Cherry St.
July 31, in Portland, OR
Murder By the Book
3210 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd.
August 12, in Scottdale, AZ
Poisoned Pen Bookstore
4014 North Goldwater Boulevard
(480) 947-2974
August 19, in St. Petersburg, FL
St. Petersburg Public Library
August 21, in DeLand, FL
The Muse Book Shop
112 South Woodland Blvd.
(386) 734-0278
August 27, in Smithburg, MD
Smithburg Branch Public Library
66 West Water St.
Sept 12 (or 14, TBA) in South Pasadena, CA
BOOK'em Mysteries
1118 Mission St
Sept 18, in Fredericksburg, VA
Griffin Bookshop
721 Caroline St.
(540) 899-8041
Read this interview with Ziegler on Thrillerwriters.org.
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