Monday, November 30th, 7 PM
Tuesday, December 1st, 7 PM
Larry Baker talks about and reads from A Good Man.
Baker is putting together a video diary of his book tour, he is hoping to turn into a documentary. I will be very embarrassed if we have a poor turnout. Show your support and come out for this event.
Wednesday, December 2nd, 7 PM
Alia Malek talks about and reads from A Country Called Amreeka.
While trying to look for reviews, I kept coming across a movie called "Amreeka" that has so far played at film festivals. Nice review in the New York Times!
Meanwhile that same evening, we're selling books for Thomas Keller at Lake Park Bistro (appetizers + book = $85, 414-962-6300) and Bacchus (dinner-sold out). We'll be spending Monday and Tuesday taking the plastic wrap off copies of Ad Hoc at Home. Want a signed copy? We'll have extras. Call us (414-332-1181).
Thursday, December 3rd, 7 PM
Carol Sklenicka on Raymond Carver, talk and reading.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry to Sklenicka and the Scribner team for my email gaffe last Friday. Twice I referred to the book as Raymond Chandler. That would also make a fine biography, but it's Raymond Carver we're talking about. My excuse is brain freeze over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry to Sklenicka and the Scribner team for my email gaffe last Friday. Twice I referred to the book as Raymond Chandler. That would also make a fine biography, but it's Raymond Carver we're talking about. My excuse is brain freeze over the Thanksgiving weekend.
Here's Geeta Sharma Jensen's interview in the Journal Sentinel.
Friday, December 4th, 5-8 PM
Our second Farmers and Artisans Market. The first one turned out to be a big hit. We've got more vendors, as we're not competing with as many craft fairs.
Also on Friday, 5-8
Festive Friday on Downer Avenue. Alas, we're not roasting chestnuts, per the Downer brochures. That was last year. But Santa Claus is appearing at Boutique Bebe.
Also on Friday, 7 PM
Eric Dregni talks, reads, and shows slides from Never Trust a Thin Cook
By "meat samples", we were referring to prosciutto and other artisan dry-cured meats from Bolzano. Someone at the Downer Avenue Merchants Association hates me because I haven't been showing up regularly at meetings. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Saturday, December 5th, 10:30 AM
Students of St. Robert of Shorewood Dramatic Reading
Choosing something they wrote or reciting a favorite author, this program has outgrown its space in the the school.
From 9 AM to 1 PM, 10% of your purchase will go towards the school fund for this program, if you so designate. (Note: these purchases accrue to the school instead of counting towards your 5% Boswell Benefits rebate).
Also on Saturday 12/5, 2 PM
Reading from the Wisconsin Poets Calendar.
Sunday, 12/6, 4-8 PM
Join the Maryland Avenue Montessouri School for a series of dramatic readings. All designated purchases accrue a donation to the school. You've seen and loved the artwork in the store. Look for a complete post on the program later this week.

Rebecca Schlei raves about the new John Irving, Last Night in Twisted River, in the Shepherd Express.
Note that we are neither hosting him for an event, nor does she know him from a writing program. There is no logrolling going on here. (And yes, Irving does show up in the Raymond Carver bio)
I've been warned to leave enough time (by attendee Caroline) to finish this month's in-store lit book club selection, The Hakawati. Rabih, Rabih, why do I pick 500-page books for our club!
Here's an review in the Toronto Globe and Mail.
We meet on Monday, December 7th, at 7 PM.