And I was not alone. Every Boswellian I showed it to felt the same, well, if they had any interest in stationery at all. (Many don't. You're shocked). I started with the basic notecards in 5 designs, plus little desk notes in two designs.
I went to create the order, and what do you know, at some time in the past, Schwartz had ordered from them, though there was nothing in the database from the past few years.
Here's a link to their site, where you can ooh and ahh over the designs. We're carrying red diamond and blue daisy in both styles, plus orange compass, spring, and terra in the notecards.
I also like stepping stones, friends, and solaris. Oh, and lichen. And lilac spray.
And unity.
1 comment:
These remind me of the gorgeous endpapers on the books from my favorite publisher of the moment, Persephone Books. They have a whole page on their website describing them and how they decide which to use. (http://www.persephonebooks.co.uk/pages/content/index.asp?PageID=57) Unfortunately the books are a little tricky to get- the ones they distribute in the US, disappointingly, seem to all have black and white shadowy images for endpapers instead of the colorful, period piece patterns. But the books are well worth the time. Dorothy Whipple, fantastic!
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