What with Alice Munro’s Dear Life just released, and Munro being about the bestselling contemporary story writer we consistently sell, there’s a lot of talk about stories at Boswell. But maybe it’s not all connected. Scott Hutchins was discussing short stories at his talk for the novel A Working Theory of Love. Someone asked him about the difference between writing stories, and a whole bunch of metaphors were tossed about (a story is a photograph, a novel is a film is one I use sometimes) but we all laughed at the paraphrased quote from Lorrie Moore: “a short story is a flower, a novel is a job.” That one’s for the writers!
Why that’s a good metaphor for Wickersham’s stories--each story further adjusts the search algorithm. We have seven stories, and we can’t refer to them by name because all of them are called “The News from Spain.” I finally read this book after the umpteenth person I trust told me that I had to. I think the very first recommender was the writer Elinor Lipman, who had been recommending Wickersham on our bookcase when Boswell first opened. She let me know there was a collection coming. Our rep Jason was talking it up to various booksellers; Stacie read it very early and sent in a wonderful rec. Stacie and Sharon turned into fans. When I chatted about the book with Jim Higgins at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, he told me that Lanora from late Next Chapter had enthused over the collection as well.
So I started reading the first story, which another writer might have called “The Sands of Time,” Suzanne has arrived for a wedding party with her husband John. Her friend Barbara is marrying Barnaby; the motivations are a bit shaky. At the same time Suzanne has recently become aware that her husband has had an affair. It’s a simply set up, beautifully written. There’s no hitting you over the head with anything, though our customer Don did tell me the story blew him away, which does seemingly involve some force.
And that’s the thing about The News from Spain. The second story starts to change the way I thought about the first. I’m beginning to see the different kinds of loves playing against each other. I start noticing how the past plays against the present, and by the time I’m on “Spanish Teacher” (not its real name), I’ve sworn off on carnal desire forever. It’s just not going very well in these stories. Does it ever?
So the stories continue. A gay dancer is a caregiver to an ailing woman whose husband has almost continual dalliances. The widow of a race car driver now survives as a paid companion to an older couple; a biographer arrives to use her as source material.
I was trying to explain the linking of the stories to someone, and it made the title sound like way more than it was. What’s the importance of the title? “It’s a motif,” I said, “like in music, where you here a flute play something and in another completely different movement, the cello recalls that melody, only now it’s much more somber.” You can tell I gave up piano lessons at around 12 and never looked back, right
Stacie and I started talking about the stories and the different types of love were represented. Which were more memorable? Why do we so much prefer one type over all else and what does that get us? And most surprisingly, why did we think the themes of The News from Spain recall another book we both loved this year, My Heart is an Idiot, which from the outside, could not seem any more different.
But is that one of the many things Wickersham is thinking? I think about this paragraph:
“You meet someone, you fall in love, you marry. You meet someone, you fall in love, it turns into a disaster. You meet someone, you fall in love, but one of you is married, or both are: you have or don’t have an affair. You meet someone, you fall in love, but you are never quite sure if your feelings are returned…”
As someone noted, our beginnings and ends are pretty much the same—it’s the middle that changes. I had so many questions. I read a bunch of reviews and then started trawling for interviews. But I really couldn’t find anything. Maybe Wickersham didn’t feel comfortable discussing the stories. But what the heck? I sent off some questions anyway.
And what do you know? I got a reply! Details tomorrow.
1 comment:
Lovely reflection; thanks for it. Lush and efficient at once. Your post has convinced me that it's one of the next books in line for me. Also, I love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your bookly thoughts and glimpses into the world of independent bookstores.
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