Saturday, January 5, 2013

Halley and Daniel Write a Valentine's Day Card Post.

Daniel: I don't think I've ever worked with as many people who are obsessed with cards as my current group of booksellers. Two Boswellians have taken to sending friendship cards to each other, sometimes the same one.

They say it is because our cards are so good. I'm certainly not going to discourage this kind of talk.

So post Christmas, it was time to prepare everyone to pay homage to Saint Valentine. For the last few years, we've pretty much had no selection of cards by the 14th, so as we did with our loose Christmas cards this past season, I've upped our selection for Valentine 2013. My goal is to have a moderately good selection for last minute shoppers, and if it means we carry over a bit more from year to year, so be it. The fallout on Christmas, by the way? I increased a bit too much, but not enough on boxed cards.

Halley and I were closing on "Dance Party Friday" and I asked her to show me some of her favorite cards. She graciously agreed to let me take notes for the blog.

Halley: I love this card because it's a big version of my dog Poppy.

Daniel: Awwww.....
Halley: I gave this card to my boyfriend last year. It has a special place in my heart.

Daniel: Awwww...
Halley: I like this card because it has a lot going on. I don't understand the playing cards.

Daniel: I think it's a flush of hearts.

Halley: Hmmmm...

Halley: I think I'm going to trade this bear one with a friend. I think there's a larger version of this image on a throw pillow? Don't you think we should sell throw pillows?

Daniel: ........

Halley: I love meat puns.

Halley: I chose this because we have so many Bald Guy fans among our customers.

Daniel: I have found it takes a special kind of relationship to send Bald Guy on Valentine's Day. You better be rock solid with a good sense of humor or this might be evidence for the marriage counselor

Daniel: One thing folks should know is that we don't carry any adult-themed cards because we don't separate out adult cards from kids' cards. I also think a lot of the more adult cards are in bad taste. And yes, I even edit from my favorite lines, including Fomato. I was a bit on the border about this--I'm not crazy about physical humor.

Halley: How could you not like this card? Hello???????

Daniel: That's just 8 of them. We have about 40 more. Some say Valentine, but I've mentioned the trend is to excise the V word so they can be used all year long. If you're thinking that maybe you need to send more cards to your sweetie, now's the time to stock up. We will never again have so many cards with love puns until next January.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I SO wish I could have joined this conversation.