Yes, we're all over the map on our events, and that's particularly the case over the next few months, when we have some great history events. That's what a general bookstore is about, right? This is the first of a two-part blog post. It's my feeling if I split them up, they will be more effectively forwarded to interested parties.

On April 26 at 7 pm, we're partnering with the Business Journal Milwaukee and the American Marketing Association, Milwaukee Chapter, for Gary Vaynerchuk's The Thank You Economy. He's the man behind the publishing phenomenon, Crush It, where he documents dramatically growing his family wine business via social networking. For this one, we're requesting advance registration. Here's the link.
But I was a bit stumped at first for a good partner for Nathaniel Philbrick and his paperback release of The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Buoll, and the Battle of Little Big Horn. We've been all over the place with our history events, from disappointments to very large turnouts substantially over projection. Philbrick is a noted historian and bestselling writer who probably doesn't need the extra marketing support. That said, we want to make sure that we do whatever it takes to make a high-profile book event like this a success.
Philbrick's latest is a dual narrative of Sitting Bull and George Armstrong Custer. When we set up the event and talked to Louise at Penguin about possible partners, she suggested a Civil War re-enactment group. At first I didn't see the connection, until it was pointed out to me that Custer first came to national prominence as a Union commander in the Civil War. And my second thought was, "How am I going to find one of them?"
Well, leave it to Stacie to connect with Reclaiming Our Heritage, a local Civil War re-enactment group. They put on an annual veteran tribute event on June 4 and 5 at Zablocki VA Medical Center (5000 West National Avenue) which includes grounds tours (including a night-time cemetary one), music, history exhibits, and food for sale.
This is the tenth and final year for this re-enactment, so you can't say there's always next year. Because there isn't. Here's a photo of Stacie posed Patricia, one of the organizers. She's also hot on our Anne Lamott event for the paperback of Imperfect Birds, next Tuesday at Alverno College on April 12. Get your tickets here! Sadly, she can't attend as she's attending a Civil War dance class.
So to sum up, Nathaniel Philbrick is appearing at Boswell Book Company on Friday, May 6, 7 pm, for the paperback publication of The Last Stand. See you then.
Does Stacie get a musket out of this?
No. For some reason they don't trust me with anything that has live ammunition. I think I might get a saber sword, though.
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