OK, it got a little more wilderness-y. We went on a wildflower walk. It was quite beautiful, but I was also intimidated. There were several moose spotted, but for me, the hunting signs scared me even more. I was wearing a black sweater. What was I going to do? Well, apparently I could stay on the right of the road, as hunting was not allowed on the left side. Seemed like a fine line to me.
It was fitting that I had just finished Benjamin Percy’s new novel, The Wilding. I thought there was probably some similarlity between Utah’s landscape and what I imagined to be Bend. The landscape of P

The Wilding concerns one particular family who takes a hunting trip into a canyon that is soon to be developed into a resort. Justin is bullied by his dad into going, as well as taking his son Graham. Paul (Dad) is rather an old-fashioned guy, but rather than be upset about losing his hunting area, he’s actually running t

Justin’s having marital problems as well, particularly since his wife Karen’s second pregnancy ended prematurely. She’s getting a little attention from Bobby, the developer, and also from the locksmith, an Iraqi war vet who’s a bit shell shocked.
So the three boys are in the woods, with lots of unresolved father and son issues, and there are least two crazed men to watch out for. Oh, and a bear. It’s a fascinating story about the friction of civilization at the margins, whether it’s on the edge of civilization, or a war zone, or even masculine ideals.
I was looking at the back of the advance copy I read and was struck by what a good collection of author quotes there were. Not because they liked the book (would you put the

It’s also an excellent novel. Percy taught at Marquette before his recent stint at Iowa State. He's the author of two short story collections, The Language of Elk and Refresh, Refresh. The title story of his second collection was featured in Best American Short Stories, and was adapted into a graphic novel.
The Wilding official goes on sale this coming Tuesday, September 28th. Come here more on Tuesday, October 5th, when Percy appears at Boswell (at 7 PM). We're looking forward to his return. Did I mention it snowed while we were in Alta...in August?
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