The novel got rave reviews from Parul Sehgal in The New York Times, Ron Charles in The Washington Post (who gives a more extensive list of animal novels), and Eliot Schrefer in USA Today (distributed by Gannett), as well as fine profile in The New Yorker by Amitava Kumar, with an in-short review following a few weeks later. On top of that, the book has a striking cover design from Becca Fox featuring an illustration by Natalia Andreychenko. That cover sealed the deal for me. It reminded me of my days of buying, where I’d look for dog books where the dog was looking straight at the reader – if I featured them, they’d sell at double the rate of a cover where the animal was looking away.

The novel’s original title was Poonachi: The Story of a Black Goat, and Poonachi surely is the star of the show. She arrives as a baby to the home of an older couple, subsistence farmers, given to the husband by a mysterious giant. Black goats are frowned upon in these parts, to the extent that they have been purged from the population, but there’s a rumor that this goat might give birth to seven kids, as opposed to the one or two babies normally in the litter. The story follows the couple’s rise and fall in fortunes, as it also tells the story of this tough life, punctuated by pleasant moments. Most notably, it is a love story, of Poonachi’s love for Poonam, a goat that lives with the old couple’s daughter. But the brutality of the story is also important – the scene of Poonachi’s first breeding reads like a rape scene, and that should be enough warning to potential purchasers that this is not a book for kids.

Murugan’s writing life is particularly relevant to this story. He is a Tamil writer who nonetheless has found much success in the rest of India. But his previous novel, One Part Woman, created a firestorm of controversy. It is about a couple trying to conceive a child who partake in a ritual during a festival where, well, the woman is free to find other donors. Protests resulted in an effective house arrest. At one point in the controversy, Eliot Schrefer noted this Facebook post from the author: “Perumal Murugan the writer is dead. As he is not god, he is not going to resurrect himself. He also has no faith in rebirth. An ordinary teacher, he will live as P. Murugan. Leave him alone.”

The Story of a Goat touches on the inequities of race, class, and color in Indian society. It also looks the bureaucratic extremes of government, to often comic effect. Lots and lots of paperwork. Lots and lots of rules. And the piercing of the ears reminded me of the increasing use of cell phones to track people for good (preventing COVID-19 outbreaks) and not so good (most other reasons). While the comedy is apparent for the reader, it’s hardly funny for people living through it.

As the American editor of The Story of a Goat said, the allegory is just one layer of the story. Yes, I got to send some questions to Peter Blackstock, who acquired this novel One Part Woman for Grove/Atlantic. I learned that in this part of India, they still use the traditional naming systems that have faded away in other parts of the world, except perhaps for Iceland. For Murugan is the name the author goes by, while Perumal is his father’s name, the equivalent of when Johnson meant “son of John.” In many cases where Indian writers use initials, the first initial stands for their father’s name and the second is for the town they are from. I hope I got this right. Also hoping Black Cat is able to publish Murugan's next novel, Pyre.

So what did the book club think? I would say that we were about three-fourths likes to one-fourth not so much. The group met by Zoom for the first time and of course there were hiccups. At least one member was not able to hear the conversation, so we never found out how she felt. The nay-sayers found the story a little quiet for their tastes, and at least one participant noted the open-endedness of the plot and how several threads were just left hanging. Who was that giant? Who was that rich guy who was buying the litters? We are told the giant looks like Bakasuran, and one of our attendees found this reference to the Hindu God. One of our attendees had a pet goat at one point. Good to know!

Our next meeting will discuss the just-released-in-paperback Mostly Dead Things, by Kristen Arnett on May 4 at 7 pm. Please write to me if you want to join this discussion and I will invite you. We are selling the book on the Boswell website at 20% off the list price. Our June discussion book is Lost Children Archive by Valeria Luiselli on June 1 (formerly June 8*). If you buy the order on our website for this discussion, please note in comments that you are doing so for the book club and you will get 10% off the list price when your order is processed. Please note that we know that the May meeting will be virtual, and I expect the June 1 to be so as well, but things could change. They change every day.
More Boswell book club recommendations here.
Author photo credit: Wikipedia
*June 1 no longer conflicts with a large event in the bookstore.
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