Take Now Read This: The PBS/New York Times book club. While February’s pick of American Prison (Shane Bauer) barely registered with us, March (Inheritance, by Dani Shapiro) and April (Disappearing Earth, by Julia Phillips) have both had sales pops, though I should note that April’s is much closer to pub date and is also having a new-in-paper moment.

Here’s another weird twist to Untamed’s success. I went back and looked at Love Warrior, Doyle’s 2016 release, and we’ve now sold five times as many copies of Untamed as we did of the three editions (two in hardcover, one paperback) of her previous book. And that book was an Oprah Book Club pick. I would never have dreamed! While we were not ever scheduled to host Doyle, we were cosponsors of a now-postponed-indefinitely UWM event with Doyle’s wife, Abby Wambach for Wolfpack.

With a lot of these book clubs, it’s sometimes hard to differentiate from sales that would have been there anyway. That’s why I’m particularly impressed with the Reading with Jenna picks, as I have to think that while the Barnes and Noble book club also featured Dear Edward, I can’t find another reason for The Girl with the Louding Voice’s NYT appearance. Speaking of which, I really like the April pick for B&N, Afia Atakora’s Conjure Women. I didn’t read it; I just like the idea of it, and I’m tempted to log on!

That said, Oprah avoided a second controversy by backing out of picking My Dark Vanessa, a novel by Kate Elizabeth Russell about a teenager who has an affair with a forty-something teacher. I’m not sure exactly why she cancelled on this one, since that complaint was more focused on the publishing industry rewarding a white writer over a similar book written by an author of color more than this particular book. According to Book Marks, major reviews were either raves or positives, with only The Atlantic coming in as mixed.That’s better than most books I like. I suspect she and her team had controversy exhaustion, something she hasn't experienced much of late. Despite that withdrawal of approval, My Dark Vanessa was hardly a bomb, holding a number of weeks on national bestseller lists and a nice run at Boswell.

Journalist Kolker chronicles the Galvin family, who settled in Colorado Springs with the creation of the Air Force Academy. Don and Mimi wound up having twelve kids, and six of them were eventually diagnosed as schizophrenic. The family history, often from the perspective of Lindsay, the youngest child (non-diagnosed) alternates with a history of the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia. The split between advocates of nurture and nature hypotheses continues since the break between Freud and Jung. And to call out historical sexism, nurturists really had a thing for moms, didn’t they?

Read this interview with Kolker by Laura Miller in Slate Magazine. Miller asks Kolker how he came to the story of the Galvins: “My friend and former editor at New York magazine, Jon Gluck, went to high school with Lindsay. One day in 2015 or 2016, Lindsay came through town and met up with Jon. She told him that she and her sister wanted their family’s story told but had decided they didn’t want to write a memoir themselves. They were ready for an independent journalist to take this wherever it was going to take them. Jon thought about me because he’d edited my magazine article about the Long Island case (editor’s note: I think this is the basis of his book Lost Girls) and understood that I wrote about people in crisis and vulnerable sources.”

It’s just about time for all the book clubs to announce their May selections. We’ll see if interest keeps up at Boswell. Maybe one of them will pick The Story of a Goat!
*The play Kim’s Convenience is interesting reading for fans, mostly because you can see the origins of the characters in the television show. One detail is that the characters are all seven-to-ten years older than they are in the series.
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