1. Secondhand Souls, by Christopher Moore
2. Twelve Kings in Sharakhai, by Bradley Beaulieu
3. All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr
4. Girl in the Spider's Web, by David Lagercrantz
5. Purity, by Jonathan Franzen
6. Lamb, special gift edition by Christopher Moore
7. Make Me, by Lee Child
8. The Nature of the Beast, by Louise Penny
9. Days of Awe, by Lauren Fox (event at Shorewood Public Library 9/15, 6:30 pm)
10. Two Years, Eight Months, and 28 Nights, by Salman Rushdie
11. Seveneves, by Neal Stephenson
12. X, by Sue Grafton
13. Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee
14. A Marriage of Opposites, by Alice Hoffman
15. The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins
Make Me is Lee Child's 20th Jack Reacher novel, and is still pleasing the fans. Jeff Ayers on the AP wire says that "The climax is shocking and grotesque — and also a fantastic payoff for readers who will not figure out what truly has been going on." Child is doing some events in Chicago with folks like Stephen King, Laura Lippman, and Linda Fairstein. I thought he was doing something with his brother Andrew Grant in Chicago as well.
Hardcover Nonfiction:
1. Between the World and Me, by Ta-Nehisi Coates
2. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo
3. Black Earth, by Timothy Snyder
4. Being Mortal, by Atul Gawande
5. Black Man in a White Coat, by Damon Tweedy
6. Boathouses, by Tom Freeman
7. The Road to Character, by David Brooks
8. Jesus, by James Martin
9. A Little History of the United States, by James Davidson
10. Nine Essential Things I've Learned About Life, by Harold Kushner
Timothy Snyder's new book, Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning is a companion to his 2010 work, Bloodlands: Between Hitler and Stalin. Per the Guardian review from Richard J. Evans: "We have got the Holocaust all wrong, says Timothy Snyder in his new book, and so we have failed to learn the lessons we should have drawn from it. When people talk of learning from the Nazi genocide of some six million European Jews during the second world war, they normally mean that we should mobilise to stop similar genocides happening in future. But Snyder means something quite different, and in order to lay out his case, he provides an engrossing and often thought-provoking analysis of Hitler’s antisemitic ideology and an intelligently argued country-by-country survey of its implementation between 1939 and 1945."
Paperback Fiction:
1. A Dirty Job, by Christopher Moore
2. The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters
3. Everything I Never Told You, by Celeste Ng (Event 9/28 at Boswell)
4. Euphoria, by Lily King
5. Moriarty, by Anthony Horowitz
6. The Complete Cosmicomics, by Italo Calvino
7. Meet Me Halfway, by Jennifer Morales
8. The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell
9. The Story of the Lost Child, by Elena Ferrante
10. Again and Again, by Ellen Bravo
Paperback Nonfiction:
1. Everyday Makeup Secrets, by Daniel Klingler
2. Reformation: A History, by Diarmaid MacCulloch
3. Vietnam: A History, by Stanley Karnow
4. Yes, Please, by Amy Poehler
5. You are Doing a Freaking Great Job, published by Workman
6. Mary Nohl: Inside and Out, by Barbara Manger and Janine Smith
7. How Not to Be Wrong, by Jordan Ellenberg
8. Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson
9. Fantastic Cities, by Steven McDonald
10. How to Love, by Thich Nhat Hanh
Books for Kids:
1. Space Dumplins, by Craig Thompson
2. I Am a Bunny, by Ole Risom with illustrations by Richard Scarry
3. You're Here for a Reason, by Nancy Tillman
4. Diary of Wimpy Kid in Latin, by Jeff Kinney
5. Francine Poulet Meets the Ghost Raccoon, by Kate DiCamillo
6. Rump, by Liesl Shurtliff (event at Cudahy Library 9/16, 6:30 pm)
7. The Day the Crayons Came Home, by Drew Daywalt, with illustrations by Oliver Jeffers
8. The Queen of Shadows, by Sarah Maas
9. Beyond the Kingdom, by Chris Colfer
10. Ladybug Girl and the Best-Ever Playdate, by David Soman
In the Journal Sentinel, Jim Higgins reviews Impersonations, by Mark Zimmermann. He writes: "Zimmermann's 62 poems in Impersonations are dramatic monologues, a la Robert Browning, written as lipograms — a constraint that would make Georges Perec proud. For each poem, Zimmermann limited his vocabulary to words drawing on the letters of its title. To take a particularly fiendish example, his poem Moby Dick consists exclusively of words using the letters b, c, d, i, k, m, o and y. Oy, you say? Yes, that's something Zimmermann's whale said, too." We are not able to stock this book at this time, but it should be available at Woodland Pattern.
Jon M. Gilbertson reviews a new book by Patty Farmer: "Despite its subtitle, Playboy Swings: How Hugh Hefner and Playboy Changed the Face of Music, is not exclusively or even principally about what Hugh Hefner and Playboy — the magazine Hefner founded, the company he headed and the brand he grew to represent — did for music, and mainly for jazz music. Instead, it is a book that, not unlike the magazine in its ring-a-ding heyday, slips jazz into the overall story of the Playboy lifestyle. Sometimes, the bebop is integral to the story and to the lifestyle; other times, it is a background murmur or less." This book has a September 14 pub date, but it is not yet at either of our wholesalers. We're following up regarding a new estimated on-sale date.

Apologies for smooshing the review excerpt into one paragraph. Don't forget that Maraniss will be at Milwaukee Public Library's Centennial Hall on Thursday, October 8, 6:30 pm.
And also don't forget we're closing slightly early tonight, at 5 pm, for a rep night presentation in Oconomowoc.
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