Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday Short Post--The Somerville Salon...of Terror, Plus What Halley's Mom's Book Club is Reading.

Logging onto the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel web site, I was surprised to see that the most popular story is the report on Patrick Somerville's "Thank you for killing my novel" article in Salon. If you haven't been following this, you might be surprised that it is getting more hits than politics and sports. But it's a particularly fascinating story, especially when the editor starts corresponding with one of Somerville's fictional characters.


I came into work after having lunch with Beverly at the Glen Cafe (she says hi to all of you. I had the pork chop sandwich. We ran into Abbie and her mom, who has written a book on a common Wisconsin weed that has led to massive health breakthroughs, or so I surmised) and Halley told me that her mom's work book group in Marshfield told her that they are reading Chris Cleave right now (Little Bee, not the new Gold, at least not yet) and would love to come to our event on July 16, but it is 3 and a half hours away. But I think we had people come further for his last book. Tell them I can save some seats.

Then I had Halley and Mel model our new book tee shirts. But that's for tomorrow's post, because Friday is not gift post day. I would just like to say hi to all my friends at the House of the Dove hospice center. You're doing amazing work!

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