“Only superlatives like excellent and elegant can do justice to Louise W. Knight’s fine Jane Addams. Whether Addams was grass-roots organizing, founding Hull House, or fighting for women’s suffrage, she was always an indefatigable warrior. If there was any real fairness in this troubled world Addams would have won three

--Douglas Brinkley, author of The Wilderness Warrior.
The event is at Alverno's Wehr Hall. For more information about the book, visit the author's website.
On Wednesday, we have a double dose of Milwaukeeana at the store. Manya Kaczkowski appears for the release of Milwaukee's Historic Bowling Alleys while noted movie-theater-
atician Larry Widen discusses Milwaukee Movie Theaters. Both books are recent publications by Arcadia Publishing.
The event is Wednesday, March 16, 7 PM, at Boswell Book Company. Roberta Wahlers notes that if you can "spare some time", this would be an interesting event to attend. More in the Journal Sentinel.
gotten early word on the crowds for Matthew Inman, mastermind of oatmeal.com, and they are enormous. Get hear early for his talk/slide show on Five Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth. I've already come up with a case-moving agenda. The talk starts Friday, March 18, 2011, at 7 PM.
On Wednesday, we have a double dose of Milwaukeeana at the store. Manya Kaczkowski appears for the release of Milwaukee's Historic Bowling Alleys while noted movie-theater-

The event is Wednesday, March 16, 7 PM, at Boswell Book Company. Roberta Wahlers notes that if you can "spare some time", this would be an interesting event to attend. More in the Journal Sentinel.

--Five reasons why pigs are more awesome than you
--The Nine types of crappy handshakes
--How to use an apostrophe
--Five reasons to have rabies instead of babies.
Handy, no? More in the Journal Sentinel.
And finally, next Sunday we have Wisconsin Native Scott Korb, whose book Life in Year One: What the World Was Like in First-Century Palestine, has just come out in paperback. Here's an interesting piece from NPR that aired last year. And more in the Journal Sentinel.
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