Two trips in the Scion (and yes, Amie noted that the car was sagging a bit--cookbooks are heavy) and a bit in between pulling lots of books for our cooking, business, and gardening section

Carrie Bachman sent me fliers for the show on Modernist Cuisine, that ridiculously lavish cookbook that is out of stock everywhere but is in high demand. It came up because I got a bunch of Life, on the Line signed for the show. Jason was wary, but I said let's get two. We'll figure out a way to price it decently and treat it like the Jung Red Book. I think we can sell some...gulp.
Decided to help Greg and clean up the receiving room by pulling some returns. If you don't return books after an event, it means you sold out, and that's not a great thing either. Double-checked that we have Greg Boyle's event at Marquette on Wednesday, Anne Byrn's at the store on Friday, and Lisa Paulson's at the Urban Ecology Center, also on Friday.
Stacie made new event fliers. We ran out again! The new design with author photos and book jackets has proven quite popular.
Came home and had dinner. Went on something called Wikimapia, a dated bird's eye mapping program, that still had Harry W. Schwartz Bookshop in my store's location. Registered so I could change it over to Boswell. Couldn't think of anything clever to say.
Sent out wrap-ups regarding how this weekend's events went. It's sometimes hard to do this when an event is disappointing, but lately I haven't had any bad news to report, and let me just say I'm very happy about that.
"Family Guy" seems to be getting more odd than funny. Last week's was too violent for me to watch. It's come to this. That was my television for the night. I know, you thought more of me.
Off to read and then go to bed. The convention floor opens for exhibitors at 7 AM!
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