With the Green Bay Packers winning the Super Bowl, several books go to press that celebra

te their triumph. Triumph boasts
Return to Titletown, which has the official Packers license. I think you need that to say titletown. It sells for $14.95. (Note: I have updated the jacket since first posting.)

eanwhile Wisconsin's KCI Sports Publishing teams up with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to publish
Green Bay Packers Super Bowl Champions, which sells for $15.95. Sorry Peter, I forgot to ask you for the proof jacket for that one.
In March, Triumph releases the first of what will likely be many Aaron Rodgers books, titled
Aaron Rodgers: Leader of the Pack. I wonder if you had to get those rights from George "Shadow" Morton.
All books will be available from Boswell, thought I don't think they are posted on our website yet. Please email (
info@boswellbooks.com) or call (414-332-1181) us and we will get a copy out to you as soon as they are available.
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