Saturday, April 3, 2010

Yes, It's a Year Since Our Soft Opening

Our soft opening was April 3, 2009. If I were more organized, I would have brought in a cake. But all I have is a wood one.

We're open for Easter, by the way. 10 AM-4 PM.

Other places to go on the block and in the neighborhood:
Downer and Oriental Theatres
Cafe Hollander (8 AM - 3 PM)
The adjoining Starbucks.

And Beans and Barley is open too. If I can walk there for my lunch, you can stop by after you eat there and say hi.

I assume the Original Pancake House is open for brunch too. Pancakes seem so Easterly.


Unknown said...

Congratulations dear book seller on one year as "the owner"

You have the energy and the creativity to make it work if anyone does. Long live Boswell's!

-k2 in Seattle

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday! You're doing a great job, my friend.