Monday, July 23, 7:00 pm, at Boswell:
Anna-Lisa Cox, author of The Bone and Sinew of the Land: America's Forgotten Black Pioneers and the Struggle for Equality
Anna-Lisa Cox appears at Boswell with her breakout history of the long-hidden stories of America's black pioneers, the frontier they settled, and their fight for the heart of the nation. This groundbreaking work reveals America's Northwest Territory - the wild region that would become present-day Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Black pioneers made a stand for equality and freedom, and their success made them the targets of racist backlash. Political and armed battles ensued, tearing apart families and communities long before the Civil War. These settlers were inspired by the belief that all men are created equal and a brighter future was possible.
Anna-Lisa Cox is an award-winning historian and author of A Stronger Kinship: One Town's Extraordinary Story of Hope and Faith. Currently a fellow at Harvard University's Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, she helped create two exhibits based on original research at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture, including one on black pioneers.

Wisconsin native Dan Kaufman chronicles one of the most dramatic political upheavals in the country. The Fall of Wisconsin is an account of how the state’s progressive tradition was undone and turned into a model for national conservatives. Please note that C-Span will be taping this event for future broadcast. Please arrive early before our event starts so that you do not interrupt the taping.
Laws protecting voting rights, labor unions, the environment, and public education have been rapidly dismantled. The Fall of Wisconsin is a deeply reported, neither sentimental nor despairing, account of the remarkable efforts of citizens fighting to reclaim Wisconsin’s progressive legacy against tremendous odds.
Originally from Wisconsin, Dan Kaufman has written for The New York Times and The New Yorker. Can't make our event? Dan Kaufman will be at Oconomowoc's Book sand Company on Wednesday, July 25, 2 pm.
Friday, July 27, 7:00 pm, at Boswell:
Eric and Stephani Lohman, author of Raising Rosie: Our Story of Parenting an Intersex Child
Milwaukee parents Eric and Stephani Lohman appear at Boswell to share the powerful story of raising Rosie, their intersex child, and how they have navigated medical pressures and cultural ideas of gender. When their daughter Rosie was born, Eric and Stephani Lohman found themselves thrust into a situation for which they were not prepared. Rosie was born intersex - born with a variety of physical characteristics that do not fit neatly into traditional conceptions of male and female bodies. Immediately, the Lohmans were pressured to consent to normalizing surgery for Rosie, despite their concerns, and without being offered any alternatives.

Rosie’s story is featured in the National Geographic documentary Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric. Discussing the challenges the Lohmans have faced, Couric told Teen Vogue, “You have to be your own best advocate so that you can educate yourself about this issue. You don't have to be cowed into making a decision by a member of the medical community who may think you have to do things a certain way."
Sunday, July 29, 2 pm at Milwaukee Public Library's Loos Room at Centennial Hall, 733 N Eighth St:
Ann McClain Terrell, author of Graceful Leadership in Early Childhood Education

Told in a narrative, inspirational, and practical way, this book shares the values that the author has held onto in order to be successful. It shares how one woman maintained her grace and quiet dignity while on her leadership journey and overcame the challenges and hurdles that she faced. This is not a theoretical book but rather, one that shows how theory and personal experience can be used and put into action.

Ann McClain Terrell was formerly Director of Innovation and Director of Early Childhood Education for Milwaukee Public Schools. She holds an MS in Educational Leadership from Cardinal Stritch University and an MS in Cultural Foundations of Education from UWM.

Kelli María Korducki, author of Hard To Do: The Surprising, Feminist History of Breaking Up
Journalist, cultural critic, and Jackson Park, Milwaukee native Kelli María Korducki breaks the news about breaking up in her history of the surprising politics of romantic love and its dissolution, from Jane Austen to Taylor Swift.
Whatever the underlying motives, be they love, financial security, or mere masochism, the fact is that getting involved in a romantic partnership is emotionally, morally, and even politically fraught. In Hard To Do, Kelli María Korducki turns a Marxist lens on the relatively short history of romantic love, tracing how the myth of economic equality between men and women has transformed the ways women conceive of domestic partnership.
Kelli María Korducki, an alum of Pius XI High School, is Senior Editor of News at Brit + Co, and has written for the Globe and Mail, NPR, and Vice. In 2015 she was nominated for a National Magazine Award for ‘Tiny Triumphs,’ a 10,000-word meditation on the humble hot dog for Little Brother Magazine. She is also a former Editor-in-Chief of the daily news blog, Torontoist.
For more information about upcoming events, visit the Boswell Upcoming Events page.
*Yes, we are aware that Wisconsin is also the state of Joseph McCarthy.
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