You've heard me talking about The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue this season already, mostly because we hosted an event with author Mackenzi Lee in June, when she appeared with Brittany Cavallaro, author of A Study in Charlotte and The Last of August. Fans of Cavallaro's will be excited to know that the final book in the trilogy, The Case for Jamie, releases March 6, 2018. Lee, who also wrote This Monstrous Thing, also has a book coming out in March 2018, but it's completely different; Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Forgotten Women Who Changed the World is based on her social media series. Pub date is March 13!
And how about this starred Booklist?: "Tongue-in-cheek, wildly entertaining, and anachronistic in only the most delightful ways, this is a gleeful romp through history. Monty is a hero worthy of Oscar Wilde ( What's the use of temptations if we don't yield to them? ), his sister Felicity is a practical, science-inclined wonder, and his relationship with Percy sings. Modern-minded as this may be, Lee has clearly done invaluable research on society, politics, and the reality of same-sex relationships in the eighteenth century. Add in a handful of pirates and a touch of alchemy for an adventure that's an undeniable joy."

The store, on Newbury Street in Boston's Back Bay, is bustling, due to its reputation not just as a bookstore, but as an eatery. There's another Trident Booksellers and Cafe in Halifax, Nova Scotia, but I don't think they are related. There's another one in Boulder on Pearl Street. I usually think of Boulder Book Store when I think of bookstores in Boulder, but I noted in the forthcoming Nick Petrie novel (Light It Up) that the bookstore he referenced had a cafe and was too small to be the store I thought it was. I guess this solves that question. This begs the question, why are there three Tridents in North America and why do all of them have cafes? Yes, there are other Boswells too, but I our name is a direct literary reference, though the one in Massachusetts did tell me it was actually the name of the original cat in the store.
After browsing the shelves, I wound up being drawn to their pile of The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, and I couldn't help but support a bookseller-author and bought my copy. I spent the next couple of days reading the book. I can only imagine what it would have been like for me to read a book like this when I was a teenager.
But here's the really crazy thing. As I was reading Lee's novel, I saw a reference to Boswell, and I thought, could this be our Boswell? And then later in the notes, Lee wrote about the Grand Tour: "In its simplest definition, the Grand Tour was a journey through the prominent cities of Europe, undertaken by upper-middle- and upper-class young men, usually after completing their formal education. The traditiona flourished from the 1660s to the 1840s, and is often credted as the birth of modern tourism." And later on she recommended "one of the most through primary accounts of the life of a young man on his Grand Tour, the journals of James Boswell (who Monty anachronistically impersonates - the real James Boswell wasn't born until 1740, but I couldn't resist playing homage to my favorite source."

By the way, if you want to know whether there's a sequel to The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, you'll be thrilled to know that The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy is said to be scheduled for 2018.
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