While I was there, I chatted with several attendees, one of whom spoke fondly of the original Schwartz Readers Retreat and other book festivals she'd been to. Because she likes to meet up with her sister, who doesn't always have control over her vacation time, I mentioned that there are so many out there that she could probably do a search and find a festival somewhere, no matter when they wanted to travel.
I started searching for this July and found a few. Admittedly some are for self-published authors and others are genre specific, but Bookstock in Woodstock, Vermont has Anita Diamond, Charles Simic, and Billy Collins. I'm going to admit right here that I hadn't heard of most of the other participants. Here's another called the NW Book Festival in Portland. OK, I haven't heard of most of these participants either. I guess maybe she should hold out for Los Angeles, Miami, Decatur or Texas, though two good festivals, Madison's in the fall and Printer's Row in Chicago, which just happened, have a decent selection of major authors.
While I was at the Museum, I viewed the current exhibit on 4-H projects over the years in Ozaukee County. One of the quilts had all the clubs listed--at one time there must have been a dozen. I will note that in my travels around the county that day, I still drove by at least one working farm, but being that it was surrounded by subdivisions, it didn't seem long for this world, alas.
What's wrong with sewing machines? Are they not romantic enough for fiction? Our customers go crazy for typewriter images, along with those of quill pens and inkwells, none of which they use. So why don't quilters romanticize the Singer or equivalent? I'll have to ask around.
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