This morning I am on an errand to buy the last of our supplies for the Mo Willems signing at four --backup markers and sticky notes. Yesterday we received some of Mr. Willems plush that we ordered, including Elephant and Piggie, Knuffle Bunny, and Cat the Cat. I didn't buy that much, as Mr. Willems doesn't sign plush, as it has a tendency to go into a kids' mouth. But it is very cute and I thought that a few lucky kid's parents might be up for it. Or it could be the case like I saw at Dwellephant's school event we just did, where a kid bought the book himself with a gift card.
Today's Mo Willems-related talk is...why we request no flash photography at Mo Willem's event. Here are two very good reasons.

1. It's very distracting, both to the author and the audience.
2. It doesn't work well at Boswell. Our store is so bright that flashes for the most part will make your photo come out darker. I know this from experience--I always turn off my flash in the store.
Just in case our 7 pm event with Carsten Jensen (author of
We the Drowned) is delayed, I'm bringing that group a bit of a treat/reward. Hint: it's Danish.

Speaking of Jensen, thanks to the
Journal Sentinel for covering our dad-friendly events in yesterday's Tap Milwaukee* and today's
Journal Sentinel Cue section. In addition to Jensen, there's a plug for tomorrow's event with Nathaniel Philbrick, author of
The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of Little Big Horn. That's tomorrow (Friday, May 6) night at 7 pm.

And as an aside that leads us into Saturday, I was chatting on the phone with Alex Bledsoe, guest for Saturday, May 7, 2 pm (Dark Jenny and others), and he realized that Philbrick was coming Friday night. "Would you get me a copy of In the Heart of the Sea signed? He's one of my favorite authors," requested Bledsoe. Indeed we would.

Bledsoe called to make sure everything was all set and get directions to Boswell. One of the weird things I've noticed on map software is that Google Maps (and Mapquest too, I think) won't take you to the store the easiest way, which is 794 to Lincoln Memorial Drive and up Lafayette Hill to Lake Drive. For some reason Google doesn't know that there's access. When I tried to nudge the route, at one point it sent me over the Hoan to Bay View and back. But sadly, that route doesn't work right now because the entrance ramp from the Port of Milwaukee/Russell is closed. You have to turn around at Oklahoma.

I have learned that Yahoo Maps does give the correct directions. That's what I'm recommending.
Oh, and if you don't get our email newsletter,
we sent off a new one yesterday. It's got several reviews and event details that don't show up in the blog. If you've changed your email address and no longer get it, but you still want it, there's a link on
our website and
the blog page.
*Do you italicize or underline a blog? A website? I have no clue.
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