1. North of the Tension Line, by J.F. Riordan
2. A Sudden Light, by Garth Stein
3. All the Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr
4. The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell
5. The Paying Guests, by Sarah Waters
6. The Zone of Interest, by Martin Amis
7. The Stone Wife, by Peter Lovesey
8. The Children Act, by Ian McEwan
9. Station Eleven, by Emily St. John Mandel
10. Wolf in White Van, by John Darnielle
Our top two books are of course our two hardcover fiction events this week. Further down, The Stone Wife is the 14th Peter Diamond mystery and this one has a Chaucer theme. A large stone goes up for sale with the image recognized as Chaucer's Wife of Bath, but the highest bidder is killed, leaving the stone in Diamond's custody. Not only does he have to solve the crime, but he's got the additional worry of whether the stone is cursed. Here's more about the book on J. Kingston Pierce's profile in Kirkus Reviews.
1. Crazy is a Compliment, by Linda Rottenber
2. Not That Kind of Girl, by Lena Dunham
3. A Sense of Style, by Steven Pinker (event Friday 10/10 at Boswell)
4. The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace, by Jeff Hobbs
5. Quilts, by Elizabeth Warren
6. This Changes Everything, by Naomi Klein
7. Another Side of Bob Dylan, by Victor Maymudes
8. How to Speak Brit, by Christopher J. Moore
9. Everything I need to Know I learned..., by Diane Muldrow
10. Killing Patton, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard
Random House's very aggressive campaign for Lena Dunham's Not That Kind of Girl looks like it was quite successful, judging from our first pop of sales. They were talking the book up as far back as Book Expo last spring, and her tour is the kind of multi-city high-profile undertaking that you see fewer and few celebrities doing. It's my feeling that adding a market like Iowa City to a tour takes a celeb memoir and gives it literary cachet. And don't forget, every actor and comedian has a book of essays out there, either published or in the pipeline, and it becomes harder and harder to stand out, but Random House's positioning really worked.
Here's Annalisa Quinn on the NPR website:"Another of the book's wonderful aspects is the way Dunham establishes herself within a tradition. She's sometimes accused of egotism (as far as I can tell, because she plays an egotist on TV), but here she acknowledges her literary heritage again and again, saying explicitly and implicitly that without a Nora, a Judy, a Gloria, and a Helen, there could be no Lena. She reminds us that we — the maladjusted girl children of the 80s and 90s — have a canon, too."
Paperback Fiction:
2. Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn
3. Saving Kandinsky, by Mary Basson
4. Still Life, by Louise Penny
5. This is Where I Leave You, by Jonathan Tropper
6. The Lowland, by Jhumpa Lahiri
7. The Circle, by Dave Eggers
8. Everything Beautiful Began After, by Simon Van Booy
9. The Redeemer, by Jo Nesbo
10. The Cuckoo's Calling, by Robert Galbraith
You hear a lot about how what the Boswellians are reading, but even with a decent amount of taste, some books fall through the cracks. Sometimes its because we haven't gotten a read and other times we got a read but the bookseller didn't write anything up. The Lowland, which was shortlisted for the National Book Award last year, is about two brother who take very different paths, one staying home to become a political activist and the other emigrating to the United States. Lahiri was interviewed in The New Yorker by Cressida Leyshon, where she explains that this also could be known as her Rhode Island novel.
1. The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown
2. Milwaukee Rock and Roll, by Larry Widen
3. Inner Dialogue in Daily Life, edited by Charles Eigen
4. The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander
5. How to Sit, by Thich Nhat Hanh
6. Christianity without God, by Daniel Maguire (event at Boswell Tuesday 10/7)
7. No Struggle, No Progress, by Howard Fuller
8. Will it Waffle?, by Daniel Shumski
9. One Pot, from Martha Stewart Living
10. Viruses, Plagues, and History, by Michael Oldstone
One book on this list that caught my eye on this list was Thich Nhat Hanh's How to Sit. There are a gajillion Thich Nhat Hanh books out there. One assumes that someone is always following him around with a recorder, sending out manuscripts each night. Coming soon, his complete recaps on Game of Thrones, season one! So it's interesting to me that his new book on sitting meditation hit our bestseller list off the impulse table--I double checked to see if they were individual and not bulk sales*, and they were. Erika Kulnys in the Shambhala Sun writes that "Thich Nhat Hanh offers us a fresh, accessible guide to sitting meditation, explaining both how to sit and why. It’s a dynamic introduction for those exploring meditation for the first time, and a hearkening back to the essentials for the experienced meditator."
Books for Kids:
1. Afterworlds, by Scott Westerfeld
3. The Odyssey, literary touchstone edition, by Homer
4. The Uglies, by Scott Westerfeld
5. The Maze Runner, by James Dashner
6. Behemoth, by Scott Westerfeld
7. Minecraft Construction Handbook
8. Kate Walden Directs Night of the Zombie Chickens, by Julie Mata
9. Goliath, by Scott Westerfeld
10. Room on the Boom, by Julia Donaldson
There are a few moments you remember before a book completely explodes. Before the film version of The Maze Runner, we hosted Mr. Dashner for not one but two of the installments. You could tell right away that this was a series with strong momentum, but one never knows what the film is going to be like, and whether it's going to exceed expectations. It did, with stronger reviews than several other entries in the YA marketplace.
In the Journal Sentinel, Jim Higgins reviews On Immunity: An Innoculation, by Eula Bliss. "Eula Biss'On Immunity: An Inoculation probes the vexing question of why many determined people oppose the vaccination of children and blame vaccines for autism and other conditions. It would fit snugly on a bookshelf between Susan Sontag's AIDS and Its Metaphors and Siddhartha Mukherjee's The Emperor of all Maladies, both cited in its smart, slim text."
And finally here's the interview with Lena Dunham by Associated Press reporter Alicia Rancilio for Not That Kind of Girl. Just a tease: "It is important to me to provide life lessons to others.... I don't think there is one person who is qualified to share their eternal wisdom and fix everybody up, and I'm sure there are a lot of people who would disagree with all the choices I have made, but for me, it just makes me feel like all my mistakes might have some kind of use when I feel that I might be imparting some comfort or knowledge onto other young people."
*Originally read "salse", which might have been mistaken for "salsa."
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