Sunday, January 17, 2010

Read More About Mueenuddin in Today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Mike Fischer has a great interview in today's Journal Sentinel with Daniyal Muenuddin. It's really the first piece I've read that connects the the dots as to the connection with Wisconsin. Mr. Mueenuddin is the son of an American mother and Pakistani father and there are actually two family farms, one in Elroy and another in Punjab. Currently Amish farm the Wisconsin land. Maybe you've had something that is Mueenuddin-grown at a nearby farmer's market.

It's also the first I've read about the novel in progress.

I've heard from several book clubs that are planning to come. That's a great idea. We've got room for all of you. Even if you haven't picked this collection, I think you'll be convinced after hearing this talk/reading this Wednesday, January 20th, at 7 PM.

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