Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Consider it a Challenge to Not Miss a Day This Week--A Short Little Gift Post

My head is spinning, but in a good way I guess. And what is the only thing that calms me down? A gift post, of course!

I've been panicking for two months that I overbought Christmas cards. Now it's two days before Christmas and I'm happy with our boxed numbers, and we could actually have used more loose cards. We've taken to putting out designs from two years ago (or perhaps older--I bought them with the Schwartz inventory) at 50-75% off.

A dramatic rendering of why I think the Baby Sock Monkey assortment was off (right). The prepack should have been half brown, with just a few each of pink and purple. And to just give a further opinion (though none was asked), maybe pink or purple but not both. The third color should have been blue or green. Alas, like many of these pre-assortments, we cannot restock individual items.

Very impressive how quick the turnaround was on many of our gift vendors. I told Amie that if I restocked Galison on Monday, I'd have it before Christmas. I turned around over the weekend and we were very low on boxed thank you and blank cards, plus we sold through on two varieties of file folders, and the diary shelf was looking a bit thin.

The order came on Wednesday, and yes, they are already selling.

1 comment:

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