Monday, April 12, 2010

We Test a Facebook Promotion for "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and It is Over Within Minutes, Plus Three Folks Advance in Elizabeth Berg Essay Contest

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", or as I like to call it, "Män som hatar kvinnor"* is playing at the Downer Theatre on our block, at least through Thursday. We partnered with Vintage to offer free pairs of tickets to the first ten reponders. Congrats to all lucky winners.

If you are irked by missing out, you should become a fan of Boswell Books on Facebook. I think they are changing the terminology of "become a fan of" to "like" as folks are more likely to click on that button, even though it does the same thing. Another option they discarded was "make fan of" as in "Would you like to make fan of Boswell Books?" That received the highest number of responses, but the resulting sites were barraged with insults.


Another contest that is closed out is our Elizabeth Berg essay contest for her new novel, The Last Time I Saw You. Congrats to the semi-finalists, and thanks to the Journal Sentinel, who put the contest in their Cue section** . We sent off the semi-finalists to Ms. Berg's publicist for the final judging.

*You should all know by now that the untranslated title is "Men who hate women." I don't know what the title of the second book was. Oh, yes I do, it's "Flickan som lekte med elden." Could there already be a movie of this too?

**And they got the spelling of our name right! We, on the other hand, spelled it wrong in our email newsletter, which may have imposed an bit of a mental puzzle to solve. Why isn't this going through? Hey, Boswell is spelled wrong. That said, we did correct it in our next newsletter. But my apologies to entrants who might have been a little stressed out.

Our event with Berg is Wednesday, April 13th, at 7 PM, where Berg will read the winning entry. I'm on my way to buy the bottle of champagne for the winner. Forgot to enter or still brushing up your entry? Next Chapter is having a similar contest.

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