As soon as I learned there was flexibility in the date, being that Kenney is from Wauwatosa, and was planning to do Irish Fest, I hooked her up with Maricolette at the Irish Fest Literary Corner, where they always have a meet and greet and signing. And we decided to repeat what we did two years ago and have an Irish Fest preview event on Wednesday. Kenney, a playwright, has written a novel set in an Irish village about a young poet who meets an American academic. Edward Rutherford, whose many novels include The Princes of Ireland, offered this recommendation: "In its hauntingly evocative Irish setting, this is a book suffused with poetry - real poetry. It is a book of awakenings of every kind, and of moving surprises. Like all good stories, as this local tale unfolds it becomes universal." And yes, our resident Irish lit fan, Anne, read it and enjoyed it.
What a lineup! And that calls for a table display. We're featuring new works about Ireland and Irish-American, focusing on fiction. Included are previous guests at Boswell Sebastian Barry, whose new novel is Days Without End, and Sara Baume, author of A Line Made by Walking, her second novel. I would have included Alice McDermott, but her new novel, The Ninth Hour, doesn't come out till September 19. Why not reserve a copy now?
Here are the events that are mentioned.

Thursday, August 17-Sunday, August 20, at Irish Fest: The Irish Fest Literary Tent, featuring Tony Macaulay, Rex Owens, Valerie Biel, John Sexton, and Michael McCarthy. Books at Irish Fest are sold by Little Read Book and Rainbow Booksellers.
Tuesday, October 3, 7 pm, at Boswell: Ron Balson, author of The Trust, in which P.I. Liam Taggart investigates a crime while visiting Northern Ireland for his uncle’s funeral
Tuesday, November 7, at Shully’s Watermark is Thiensville: The Ozaukee Family Services Luncheon, featuring J. Courtney Sullivan, author of Saints for All Occasions, the story of two sisters in a large Irish Catholic family. Ticket info here.
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