Monday, March 27, 7:00 pm, at Boswell:

Maya Shulman and Alex Rubin met in 1992, when she was a Ukrainian exchange student with “a devil in [her] head” about becoming a chef instead of a medical worker, and he the coddled son of Russian immigrants wanting to toe the water of a less predictable life.
Searching for answers to their eccentric son, Maya convinces Alex to embark on a cross-country trip to Montana to track down Max’s birth parents—the first drive west of New Jersey of their American lives. Maya is illuminated by the journey, her own erstwhile wildness summoned for a reckoning by the unsparing landscape, with seismic consequences for herself and her family.
Boris Fishman is the author of the novel A Replacement Life, which was chosen as The New York Times Notable Book of the Year and won the Sophie Brody Medal from the American Library Association. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, and The Wall Street Journal.
Joel Berkowitz is Director of the Sam and Helen Stahl Center for Jewish Studies at UWM, the cosponsor of this event. Berkowitz is also Professor of Foreign Languages and Literature at UWM.
Tuesday, March 28, 7:00 pm, at Boswell:

Sports fans are a devoted bunch. They sit in the wind and the cold of December or the sizzling sun of August, watching their team slip ever further from the playoffs, only to come back for more next year. What keeps them going?
About the Author: Greg Pearson has worked in newspapers for four decades, including 23 years at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He has also written Fenway Fanatics, a look at die-hard Boston Red Sox fans.

Jami Attenberg, author of All Grown Up in conversation with Wendy McClure
Who is Andrea Bern? When her therapist asks the question, Andrea knows the right things to say: she’s a designer, a friend, a daughter, a sister. But it’s what she leaves unsaid - she’s alone, a drinker, a former artist, and the captain of the sinking ship that is her flesh - that feels the most true. But when Andrea’s niece finally arrives, born with a heartbreaking ailment, the Bern family is forced to reexamine what really matters.
Wendy McClure is an author, a columnist, and a children’s book editor. She is the author of The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie, which won the Midwest Booksellers Choice Award for nonfiction in 2011, and a historical fiction series for children, Wanderville.

Donna Seaman, author of Identity Unknown: Rediscovering Seven American Women Artists.
Who hasn’t wondered where - aside from Georgia O’Keeffe and Frida Kahlo - all the women artists are? In many art books, they’ve been marginalized with cold efficiency, summarily dismissed in the captions of group photographs with the phrase “identity unknown” while each male is named.
Donna Seaman is an editor at Booklist, and a book reviewer for the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.. She has written bio-critical essays for the Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature and American Writers, and has published in TriQuarterly and Creative Nonfiction.

Evelyn M. Perry, author of Live and Let Live: Diversity, Conflict, and Community in an Integrated Neighborhood.
While conventional wisdom asserts that residential racial and economic integration holds great promise for reducing inequality in the United States, Americans are demonstrably not very good at living with difference. Perry's analysis of the multiethnic, mixed-income Milwaukee community of Riverwest, where residents maintain relative stability without insisting on conformity, advances our understanding of why and how neighborhoods matter.
Evelyn M. Perry is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Rhodes College.This event is cosponsored by Woodland Pattern Book Center.

Michelle Brafman, author of Bertrand Court, in conversation with Judaic Education Director of the Jewish Community Center.
Michelle Brafman is also the author of the novel Washing the Dead. Her short fiction and essays have appeared in Slate, Tablet, and The Washington Post. This event is cosponsored by the Harry and Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center.
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